Become an Affiliate

Commission Rate

You'll continue to earn a recurring commission from their sales for a maximum of 5 years, provided they maintain their active subscription. With each payment they make to us, a percentage will be credited back to you.
First Year
  • Receive a 5% commission on the monthly payments made by your referral throughout the entire year following their sign-up.
First Sale
  • Receive a 50% commission on the sign-up payment made by your referred customers.
After 1 Year
  • Receive a 1% commission on the monthly payments from your referral after the initial year, with the expiration of this benefit occurring five years from their sign-up date.

How it Works

  1. You Sign Up
    Upon registration, you'll receive a distinctive discount code to share with others for their sign-up. This code will grant your referrals a discount on their initial purchase, yet they'll be required to pay the full price starting from their second billing cycle.
  2. You Promote
    Your discount code will be activated within 24 hours of your registration. In the event of any issues, our team will contact you. You are now eligible to promote our services and provide your followers with an exclusive discount.
  3. You Get Paid
    You'll earn a commission for each sign-up, and the rest will be taken care of by us.